River Info
These are some popular rivers for whitewater paddling in the upper Midwest. It is not an authoritative or exhaustive list. If you see any errors, discrepancies, or have content suggestions please email us.

Minnesota Rivers
Mississippi (Sauk Rapids)
Minnehaha Creek
Wisconsin Rivers
Black (Hatfield)
Flow Info: See AW Page
Chippewa (Jim Falls)
This run is dam controlled and normally too low for boating except during the following times:
From April 1st - May 31st, water is released at 850 cfs 24/7 to enhance sturgeon spawning habitat.
Four recreational releases between June and September at 650 cfs - see our Events Page for dates and details.
Wausau Whitewater Park
Wausau has many recreational, competition, and class events each summer. Check their website and our Events Page for more info. A fee is required for most events.
Michigan, Iowa, + Other Resources
Montreal Canyon, MI/WI
Flow Info can be obtained from calling the Xcel-operated dam at 715-893-2213