Learn to paddle
A Spring tradition like no other!
For decades CanoeU has changed lives by providing quality instruction and introducing people to the world of whitewater.
CanoeU FAQs
CanoeU is Rapids Riders’ annual collection of ACA-sanctioned whitewater kayak and canoeing classes. CanoeU takes place once a year in May to early June. Rivers typically used include the Kettle, Saint Louis, Saint Croix, and Snake rivers in Minnesota, depending on current conditions.
In addition to the quality river instruction, students experience the unique sense of comradery and community shared by river-runners. You will camp, eat, hangout, and paddle with others whom you can boat with beyond CanoeU. Expect to make new river friends - maybe even friendships that will last a lifetime.
CanoeU is for anyone interested in learning how to paddle beginner-to-intermediate whitewater and meets our essential eligibility criteria.* We have courses for the complete novice, for those who need to a river tune-up, and for folks to hone intermediate skills.
Courses are geared for adults, but students under 18 are generally accepted when partnered with a parent or guardian at the instructor's discretion. If you are interested in having your child take CanoeU without a river-participating guardian, please contact us.
*All participants MUST meet the Essential Eligibility Criteria as defined by the American Canoe Association..
CanoeU is taught under ACA curriculum and insurance. ALL participants MUST satisfy the following Essential Eligibility Criteria (EEC):
1. Breathe independently (i.e., not require medical devices to sustain breathing)
2. Independently maintain sealed airway passages while under water
3. Independently hold head upright without neck / head support
4. Manage personal care independently or with assistance of a companion
5. Manage personal mobility independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance
6. Follow instructions and effectively communicate independently or with assistance of a companion
7. Independently turn from face-down to face-up and remain floating face up while wearing a properly fitted life jacket*
8. Get in/out or on/off of a paddlecraft independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance
9. Independently get out and from under a capsized paddlecraft
10. Reenter or remount the paddlecraft following deep water capsize independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance
11. Maintain a safe body position while attempting skills, activities and rescues listed in the appropriate Course Outline, and have the ability to recognize and identify to others when such efforts would be unsafe given your personal situation
Each course is lead by one or more ACA-certified instructors and also basic CPR and first aid certification. Most courses have two instructors and utilize qualified assistant support-boaters, meaning we have an excellent instructor-to-student ratio.
Furthermore, all instructors are volunteers. We teach because we love paddling and getting new folks on the water!
Students must provide their own:
~ Whitewater specific boat (kayak)
~ Whitewater-specific or river-boat with thigh-straps and added floatation (canoe)
~ Ample warm-when-wet clothes OR dry-gear with layers
~ Personal flotation device (aka life jacket)
~ Helmet
~ Paddle
~ Spray-skirt (kayakers only)
~ Float bags are highly encouraged (kayaks); improvise if needed: we’ve seen beach balls, empty box wine bags, etc - get creative!
Our instructors and volunteers have some gear to loan-out, but please contact us ahead of time if you need help with gear!
At the pool session we go over gear, help with boat sizing/outfitting, and other gear-issues so that by the first on-river weekend you have what you need. Please reach out if you are unsure about any gear or rental options!
Canoe U takes place on the two weekends surrounding Memorial day weekend and the intro pool session is the Sunday before weekend one. Check the events calendar for exact dates and times.
Exact rivers vary based on conditions.
Intro Pool Session
Sunday before Weekend 1. From 5:00-8:30 PM
Brooklyn Center, MN
Weekend 1
Weekend before Memorial Day weekend. 8am Saturday morning to 5pm Sunday afternoon.
Hinckley, MN
Weekend 2
Weekend after Memorial Day. 8am Saturday morning to 5pm Sunday afternoon.
Sandstone, MN
Exact rivers vary based on conditions.*
If you have registered for CanoeU and need to cancel/withdraw, please contact us ASAP. We offer the following conditional refunds:
~ A 100% refund will be issued if you contact us 7 days or more before the first open-water session.
~ A 50% refund will be issued if you cancel between 1 and 7 days from the first open-water session.
~ No refund will be given if you cancel after the first open-water session or simply “no-show” without notice.
“Open water” session refers to those scheduled after the intro pool session. In other words, if you attend the pool and decide this sport isn't for you... no worries, here is your money back. But you have to let us know and the sooner, the better for everybody.
If Rapids Riders cancels the course you registered for, a full refund will be issued. While extremely rare, reasons for course cancellations include low enrollment, extreme weather, or flood events beyond our control.
If a course is only partially taught or a session is interrupted due to safety issues (lighting, tornado, extreme temperatures) refunds will not be given. This is a natural risk we take while participating in any outdoor recreation.
CanoeU Instructors reserve the right to recommend alternative paddling opportunities to any potential student or refuse course enrollment after registration. In such a case, you will receive a full refund.
Please reach out if you have more questions, comments, or concerns.
Training Director: training@rapidsriders.org
General Contact: rapidsriders@rapidsriders.org
CanoeU Courses
Kayak - Whitewater Fundamentals
This is a complete foundation to whitewater boating: progress from the pool and flat water, to swift water, and finally Class I-II rapids!
We cover body-mechanics, paddle strokes, boat control, and what to do if you flip over. Essential techniques including eddy turns, peel outs, and ferries are introduced and practiced at length. Additional topics may include reading the water, river safety, trip planning, and boat outfitting.
Whitewater specifics boats are required. Prior experience is not needed, but comfort on or in the water is a plus.
This course meets for the Pool Session, Weekend 1 and Weekend 2.
Canoe - Whitewater Fundamentals (Solo or Tandem)
This course is a complete foundation to whitewater boating: progress from the pool and flat water, to swift water, and finally Class I-II rapids!
We cover body-mechanics, paddle strokes, boat control, and what to do if you flip over. Essential techniques including eddy turns, peel outs, and ferries are introduced and practiced at length. Additional topics may include reading the water, river safety, trip planning, and boat outfitting.
Whitewater specifics boats are required. Prior experience is not needed, but comfort on or in the water is a plus.
This course meets for the Pool Session, Weekend 1 and Weekend 2.
Canoe - River Canoeing (Solo or Tandem)
This course teaches the skills required to efficiently paddle a canoe on moving water up to Class I rapids. This is the course for you if you want to develop your canoeing expertise. It teaches stroke quality, boat control, and river safety . You will learn and practice valuable skills like catching eddies, making peel-outs, and effective ferries.
Canoes used for this course must be a properly outfitted for fast-moving water. Either a "versatile" canoe or a whitewater-specific boat is required.
No prior experience required, but comfort on or in the water is a plus
This course meets for the Pool Session, Weekend 1 and Weekend 2.
Kayak - Whitewater Refresher
This course is the perfect tune-up for your existing river running skills.
Designed for returning CanoeU students or paddlers with prior class I-II experience, we condense the entire Fundamentals course curriculum into one weekend. Build your technical competence and confidence for the upcoming season!
Prior swiftwater experience is required.
This course meets for Weekend 1, only.
Kayaker - Whitewater Continuum
Comfortable on Class II water and want to challenge yourself? Then this course is for you!
Hone your boating precision on challenging ferries, attainments, and dropping decisively into those micro eddies. To foster river independence we work on reading rapids, identifying friendly-features, and choosing your own lines.
Additional intermediate topics like surfing, self-rescue, and running holes are covered as time and conditions allow.
A kayak roll is not required but many students have one or are actively working on one. Comfort with t-rescues and getting across eddy lines is a must.
This course meets for Weekend 2, only.
Kayak - Playboating
Kayaking is just about getting from put-in to take-out, right? … Wrong!
This class starts with the foundation of playboating: catching waves, front surfing and side surfing. As time, river, and skill level-level allows, your instructor will cover additional topics to get you spinning, flipping, and cartwheeling.
A combat-roll and playful kayak are required (no creekers or big river runners please).
This course meets for Weekend 2, only.
What is included with CanoeU?
Quality Instruction
CanoeU is taught by ACA-certified instructors. And due to our large network of alumni and volunteers, our instructor-to-student ratio is unbeatable!
Food, Lodging, and Camping
For Weekend 1 we provide hot breakfasts and dinner and fixings for make-your-own sack lunch. Bunk-house cabins, showers, a fire ring plus wood, and a group lodge for socializing are available for Friday and Saturday evening.
At Weekend 2 we provide Saturday dinner. River-side space tents, car, or small-RV camping is available for Friday and Saturday evenings. Not a big DIY-camper? Nearby Grocery stores, motels, and restaurants are just minutes away!
River time with peers
You learn best while on the water. That’s why we offer full-day classes over two weekends: that’s a lot of river time!
Paddling is best with others. CanoeU is a great way to expand your network of paddlers and make future river plans a breeze!